

A cynical spell thief. Presumably born but certainly raised in the Mugre District of Aquilla. Ymitri is jaded by the economic divide and despair too familiar among the impoverished. Learning to survive in the city with little else but cunning and charisma, Ymitri frequently finds himself at odds with those who represent order. On top of that, his sorcerous origin, provides anything but clarity as the troubles within Aquilla begin to boil towards calamity.



Age: 21

Nationality: Marren

Ethnicity: Rav’nen/Marren

Birthplace; Aquilla

Background: Street Urchin


Height: 5’11’’

Weight: 171 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Pronouns: Him/He/His

Deity: Atheist

Ancestry: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Sorcerer


Anarchy and Transformation

A Spotify Playlist



Full Backstory

Presumably born and surely raised in Aquilla, Ymitri is a product of the broken foster system within the city. Ymitri would call Zilstra’s Home for Wayward Youth home being that he never lasted longer than a few months in his attempts to stay with foster families. Living between the Mugre’s slum streets and its orphanage, Ymitri became dependent on his close-knit circle of friends. Composed of other children victim to the foster system, Ymitri was the oldest of a group of small-time adolescent thieves who called themselves “The Runners.” The Runners never had a base of operations or real method or work, but its ultimate purpose was to bring food, toys, and other trinkets into the orphanage to bring more wellness to everyone’s lives. The Runners would never make a play large enough to attract enough attention to get them into trouble, but some individual members would get caught, and sometimes end up missing forever.

Within this group, Ymitri grew closest to another boy his age named Brandon, and a girl slightly younger named Satina. Like Ymirti, Brandon never found himself remaining long with a foster family and the two boys became close friends due to circumstance. Brandon’s struggles with the death of his parents made him difficult to get along with for most other kids, but Ymitri was attracted to Brandon’s cleverness and witty remarks under his breath. The two boys came up with “The Runners,” and together, became unruly role models for other orphans teaching them how to avoid getting seen and caught. In the early years of their teens, a new girl arrived in the foster system. Her name was Satina, and she was just a few years younger than Ymitri and Brandon. Entering the foster system at a later age made it difficult for Satina to get accustomed to the possibility of gaining a new family, in fact, Satina refused make any attempt to join a foster home. Instead, she became friends with Ymitri and Brandon, perhaps emotionally replacing her deceased older brother. Years later, Brandon would dare Ymitri and Satina to kiss, and the both of them were surprised at how delighted they were. Eventually, Ymitri and Satina’s relationship began to be perceived as a wedge to Brandon, and the two, now men, slowly drifted apart as they entered adulthood.

Kinda of a weird guy, talked to himself a lot, but we’re both weird so it worked out.
— Ymitri on Brandon

Currently, Ymitri has since moved into tenant housing still in Mugre. He works full time as a dockworker in the Wethook district, commuting to work everyday through Ruggine. Ymitri still indulges in the occasional theft himself, often in the Ruggine district where the eyes on petty crime are not so observant. At work, Ymitri keeps to himself, not quite fitting in with the rugged workers keen on bullying him into the dirtiest parts of their job. The Runners no longer exist officially, but the legacy that Ymitri and Brandon had set still remains and orphans still bring lifted goods into Madame Zilstra’s. Does she look the other way? The children don’t ask. Ymitri still occasionally volunteers at Madame Zilstra’s as well, often times serving food during the allotted eating times or bringing in particular items and goods he’s acquired himself. Some of the kids at Madame Zilstra’s still look up to Ymitri, but he cautiously avoids enlightening them on the cruel economics and social division that continues into adulthood.

Satina and Ymitri are no longer together, but remain close friends as she is soon to leave the orphanage herself. Ymitri and Brandon have not seen each other since they both moved out of the orphanage. Of all the kids that Ymitri grew up with, only Satina, and Brandon are aware of his abilities that began to develop in his early teens…

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During a routine theft with Brandon, Ymitri had nearly been caught and had to leave a stolen liquor bottle in order to get away. Angry with his failure, Ymitri returned to the scene and felt a sting in his nervous system and was nearly caught again by a patrolling guard. Panicked, he reached his arm out to reach the expensive bottle. He was just out of reach when the guard had begun to turn the corner, and all of a sudden, Ymitri reached out his other arm extending it as an octopus tentacle and a loud noise erupted from behind the guard causing him to quickly turn to investigate. With that, Ymitri grabbed the object and escaped the scene with Brandon’s jaw gaped open as they ran. Eventually, Satina heard the story from the boys, and Ymitri displayed his ability again to show off for her.

Ymitri has kept his secret mostly to himself, but has felt it becoming stronger as he’s gotten older, as if whatever it is inside of him had been waiting until his body was mature. He uses it to his advantage slightly in his every day antics of acquiring a meal for free, but keeps everything subtle enough to not draw a single eye. Purpose has been a peering question for Ymitri, he grew up thinking that everyone’s position in life had been set, but now, with his first job, his developing abilities, and a community of orphans looking up to him, he’s lost…

Check out the other characters in Sigil of Dusk