Character Study: Rhea Sagekin

Hey all, we’re kicking off a series covering the backstories of our players, as presented by them (the characters). We’re starting today with one of the characters from our Trailer, Rhea Sagekin:


My name is Rhea Sagekin. I was born in Bottom Bay, to a caring woman with too many mouths to feed. She bade a traveling monk to take me as their charge, to raise me under Ur'Goth's eye. It broke her heart.

I have not met my mother, I do not know her name, and I have not been told of her deeds. But sometimes a thing may happen and still be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth. And so, my mother was a caring woman with too many mouths to feed. 

Nala tells me not to worry about the past, and encourages me to focus on my future. I don't think she understands the depth of my loss. She, being a half-elf, never found her place within society until she joined the monastery. She didn't have a culture to lose.

My Seeking begins today. Finally, after 20 years of life at the monastery -- studying and training every waking moment, answering to Nala’s beck and call -- I get to act independently, guided by my own counsel. 

In a different life, one where I was raised in Bottom Bay, I would have left home four years ago. I would have found someone to apprentice under for my Calling, committed to some form of public service. 

We are strong, and we have a duty to take action.

- Rhea Sagekin

In a way, my Seeking will have to fulfill that role too. I feel as though I will find my own identity in this. Perhaps I’ll learn more of the culture I lost when I was rescued from the slums of Bottom Bay as an infant. 

The Seeking is quite different from the Calling anyways. For example, I'll be evaluated on every decision I make. It is a grand test, sometimes spanning years before the judgment is agreed by the Council of Four. Their judgment will determine my destiny.

Every ounce of ki I have is pulsing through my body, willing myself to do well. I don't want to be a Lorekeeper, destined to stay at the monastery all their days. Reading, reciting, and repairing the dusty tomes from The Wild Wars. That's just not me. I need to move, to experience, to fight -- to feel!

I yearn to be a Wayfinder. Someone to encourage us out of our shell. To be a leader that convinces us to open our doors, and to extend our hands in aid. We could do so much more if we share in our strength!

Nala says the Council of Four is right to be guarded, and the Dragon Sage doubly-so. They share a responsibility to our monastery, to keep us safe. But I think they are underestimating us! We are strong, and we have a duty to take action.

I will have to show Nala that I am wise enough to solve problems without my fists, yet strong enough to win the battles I cannot avoid. I'll have to convince Nala that's who I am… and I'll have to convince myself as well.

Still got you? Cool! If you haven’t, be sure to follow us on your social media platform to stay on top of what’s happening. Or, you can join our Discord where we post announcements, and also talk about geeky DnD stuff~