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5/14 - Ian + Evan

Wherein, we talk about the Calix trilogy, our new viewer campaign, and what’s gonna happen next. Also Evan firmly side with team Dog-ear while Ian sides on team Bookmark, creating an irreversible schism that will never, ever heal.

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5/14 - Ian + Evan Fantasticide


Ian: [00:00:10] Hey. So I'm here with Evan to kick off our first recap of "How Not to End the World". Some stuff happened last Wednesday. We had some estate scouting, some lore dumps, some teen drama. So Evan what do you think about what happened.

Evan: [00:00:23] Yeah I think it was one of our like a little mellow ish section like like we've been on the same day for a little bit but it's a lot's been going on in this day and that's been somewhat action packed so it's taken longer but this is like the I would say it's the third one on this day. So this is like the falling action whereas the last one was the peak and then the climbing was before it. So it's almost like a trilogy.

Evan: [00:00:47] The what the **** Calix Trilogy

Ian: [00:00:49] well like he's been talked about so much and I've just been like looking for a reason to you know get him involved in the story and now it's finally getting to the point.

Evan: [00:00:55] Yeah it's the trilogy where he's now involved directly in manipulating and influencing the party's decisions and such. So yeah it's there's been a lot of buildup into Calix and just you know back in Pyotr's back story and minor interactions with Sasha and things like that. But like we finally got like the girth of this guy

Ian: [00:01:23] He finally has a face.

Evan: [00:01:25] Yeah he's factually an asshole to everybody.

Ian: [00:01:28] I'm glad that we finally got to have more interaction with him. Besides Oh you run into him at a weird spot and he gives you the the mean eye.

Evan: [00:01:36] And we were all thinking like in the middle between the sessions and that are a little break we were like did Sasha get attacked or so something? And like someone's mimicking her voice.

Evan: [00:01:49] All this stuff it was so much time in between for us to come up with everything that could have possibly ever happened in any Dungeon Master's brain forever and then all of a sudden she just like you know is having boy problems.

Ian: [00:02:02] It was so fun to sit on it. It's so low stakes.

Evan: [00:02:07] It's low stakes if she was if she was 20.

Evan: [00:02:11] Yeah but that was like most of the session is is the falling action from that getting back to talking with Sasha and then we all kind of like started to allude towards what we're gonna be doing next essentially like Milo is going gonna go do his thing we did our little stint with him going through the estate. But I think the big thing what he's gonna do with is what he does with that information he got there.

Ian: [00:02:35] Yeah yeah. That's kind of one of the things that I'm like kind of eyeing with an apprehensive eye - like oh yeah. I just told Milo that his next job is to go way out of the city just completely.

Evan: [00:02:49] There's there's a lot of strings that that he got told that are like are you know out of the city far away or ill over there or these whole other group of people kind of thing and such so it's broadening the world. No I think it's interesting that we all are keeping to our own personal agendas as well. Like Pyotr's personal agenda just got intertwined deeply within the main plot with Calyx and such. We'll see what Ymitri's up too with Morel Malliman with Rhea's little backstory thingy with inner politics and the bureaucracy I think is a good like foot in the door to introduce like that there's a lot more to this world and there could be even more in that direction which is always just like interesting to see.

Ian: [00:03:32] Yeah. She has a she has a meeting with Nallah that I have some some interesting plans for trying to get some more of like you know inner politicking of the of the temple going

Ian: [00:03:47] What else is there to talk about.

Evan: [00:03:48] Big thing you introduced.

[00:03:50] Oh yes. So "How to End the World".

[00:03:52] Yeah. So new game got some people interacting with it. Yeah. Tell us about the purpose of this game and what you want to do with it like with like consistent players and new players and such where do you see this going.

Ian: [00:04:06] Yes. So it's kind of interesting like when I was thinking about this I was like OK is going to have like a really you know this is an evil campaign for the viewers basically you so you bring viewers and they just play the evil forces and get to like go wreak chaos and how they can then we brought people in.

Ian: [00:04:22] They start naming their their Quove like a nony mouse

Evan: [00:04:27] as you do. We're the generation that came up with like gamer tags and such. So like you know X sex killer boy x axis you know that's us. So yeah yeah.

Ian: [00:04:37] So the feeling that I'm starting to get from it is like some like really old school early days MMO where there's like not really much structure and like the game's setting a tone but the players set their own.

Evan: [00:04:50] It's more escapism than it is a game almost at that point.

Evan: [00:04:54] Like I'm just not me right now but I'm doing whatever I want.

Ian: [00:04:57] But like I get to be a puppy and I get to I get to go steal some trash from from some goblins and then bury it. Now it's mine.

Evan: [00:05:03] Yeah it's it's not every day you get to be in. You don't get to be an evil dog every day. And not only is it being an evil dog but it's being an evil dog against a party that you're watching like as a fan too so it's like I think the people who are participating and get involved and kind of like get a sense of what it is going to kind of be rewarded and seen like the party react to some things over time that they have manipulated somehow or some way or changed or you know even minor things just to be like I did that.

Ian: [00:05:35] Yeah I've already started laying the groundwork for like some of the random encounters tie into like pretty impactful side stories like there's one that can just completely demolish the city of En'cerolle which might make its way back to the players if it's pulled off correctly there's.

Evan: [00:05:52] That would be a giant world event I would assume if a city gets demolished from an evil force.

Ian: [00:05:57] Well, Ok. So the city won't get demolished but like basically the thing that's keeping it going right now will stop being a thing.

Evan: [00:06:05] Ok. Is that city run off some like single power source or are you talking more like the political structure or something is it like some ancient Crystal that's like I run this city.

Ian: [00:06:15] Well I have written about En'cerolle. It's in the blog so you can definitely go take a look.

Evan: [00:06:20] Everyone knows that Evan only read Aquilla's lore. And enough to know what's on the map to make it. So I think

Evan: [00:06:30] Getting back to like the campaign in the party and such and what they're going to be doing next is. Well first off Milo just gave us a whole bunch of pretty much gave us his info dump that he got

Evan: [00:06:44] And I can't. What is the next. We have something like on our schedule in like a week and a half or something I can't remember what it is. My notes are right here but.

Ian: [00:06:52] Yeah you will have like six different things so the things that are coming up are

Ian: [00:06:57] First. You have Etherin from Lysta's former Druid circle who's going to be making an appearance

Evan: [00:07:04] He's coming in like in a couple of days or something right.

Ian: [00:07:07] Yeah yeah. It's coming up. You know six episodes from now we'll get there.

Evan: [00:07:12] Yeah. Another one more day.

Ian: [00:07:14] One more day six episodes. Yeah.

Ian: [00:07:17] So you have Ethrin and you have the the watcher of the fire which I'm really excited about. I've been sitting on this one for a while.

Evan: [00:07:24] I think that might be the biggest one. That's for us as players so we've all been. Many of us have been given something individually by him and we haven't really talked about it too much as characters together and such but we're all like What is this guy. Because he clearly knows stuff about us before A lot of this began. So I don't know. That sounds like some weird prophecy ****. And the dude seen the future because he told me what to do in my dream. That's weird.

Ian: [00:07:56] Yeah Yeah. That's really weird. There's there's some interesting stuff going on there. I'm pretty excited about it.

Evan: [00:08:03] He knew I wasn't gonna pull an all nighter and so I went to bed. What a guy.

Ian: [00:08:10] So shifting gears a little again. Important question bookmarks or dog ears.

Evan: [00:08:16] So I am a dog eared person because it's always a hassle to find a bookmark and then I lose it. So Dog ear - you can't lose the dog here unless you lose the book. So if you've lost the book you clearly don't give a shit. So dog ear's where it's at.

Ian: [00:08:29] Okay I can't DM for you anymore I'm sorry.

Evan: [00:08:32] But the thing is I don't necessarily read for pleasure. Most the stuff I read is either educational or a comic book. I don't dog ear comic books or graphic novels because I read them straight but like a philosophy book I got dog ears, notes written in the margins and things like that.

Ian: [00:08:50] I personally have problems with like really just anything that's just like visually not the original shape of the book like you know dog ears, highlights stuff like that is just like "Oh this book has been permanently defaced and that's never going to be fixed"

Evan: [00:09:05] Wizard's magical tomes are all scribbles up bookmarks hot dog eared all this stuff and it looks awesome and there's power there is power in a read book. That's what you're displaying.

Ian: [00:09:15] You get to do that if you write the tome yourself.

Evan: [00:09:19] There is power in a read book in having the dog ears and the notes and all this stuff indicates that you have the power that this book has imbued onto you and you're ready to pass on along to someone else. A bookmark says I'm not done yet.

Ian: [00:09:31] Okay okay I'll let you live in that world.

Ian: [00:09:35] Anyways that's it for our recap of Episode 19 of how not to end the world titled safe. Thanks so much for listening. You can catch us next week on Wednesday at 530 PST on twitch. And until then See you next time.