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How to End the World: Snuff Out the Light

Sound the Horns of War

Too long have Towans sat comfortably in their home, unafraid of what lies waiting in the dark. Too long have they taken the land WE deserve from us. Too long have we suffered in the shadows, relegated only to the darkest corners of Towan nightmares.

It’s time we take the land Achnikor has declared ours by right…

Rise up, fellow Ash’kin! Burn the lands, raise the villages, and salt the earth with Towan blood! The time of the eternal night is finally at hand!

Edit: Find patch notes here

How to End the World

We at Fantasticide have spent the last few weeks thinking about new, interesting ways to engage with viewers. Out of that effort has come what we dubbed a “Rules-light stream game slash viewer campaign”, set from the point of view from the enemy forces. We’re calling it: “How to End the World”

So how is this going to work?

The short version is: you’ll have to watch or join to find out (Wednesdays, 5:30/8:30 PST/EST) ! We’ll be making adjustments to the format and rules as we go along and figure out what this is, but the super short gist is that viewers can join and participate in a campaign taking place in the same game world as “How Not to End the World”, affecting the story and world events as they make progress.

The game map

Participants create their own character - starting off as an Ash’kin Quove (but with the ability to advance and evolve as the campaign progresses). 3 times per episode, we’ll switch over to running a round of “How to End the World” - giving participants a chance to take a turn in the campaig.

Players in How to End the World are given a shared mission which they can choose to advance, or not. On their turn, they can move around and take actions as laid out in our cheat sheet. Depending on the actions players take, they’ll either engage in a quick round of combat, gain some bonuses, or go through a random event.

Even though this will be role-play light - because this is a game we’ve opened up to you all, and because we want to ensure everyone involved feels comfortable at the virtual table, we’ve filled out a checklist of potentially sensitive topics (thanks Montecook games for putting that tool together!). While you’ll likely be fine if you stick to a general mindset of a “pg-13” game and avoid typically toxic behaviors. Consider the checklist the canonical tool we’ll use for moderation, and expect it to evolve over time.

How to Join

If you want to participate, please join our discord and let me (segphault@) know if you’re interested in playing. Please also review the RP checklist we’ll be using for roleplay moderation. Finally, This is an experiment, so know that we’ll be changing things and adjusting as time goes on!

A cheat sheet outlining how turns and character advancement work