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Ryuutama: A Journey's Tale | Ep 3 | Recap

Episode 2 Recap Here

Last time on Ryuutama we found out what had been ailing the Nekogoblins of the Lost Forest. This session, though, we moved onto the Bugeyed Swamps, where an entirely different challenge lay before our Voyagers.

Coins - symbol of Jin, the voyager’s merchant and protector of Soltheira

They started off by meeting Globella, a slime of the swamp they found mourning a splitster who had fallen in a recent battle between Slimes and Gobrach’s. Globella explained how her father, Slimon Roller, had taken it upon himself to initiate the war after finding out about Globella with the Gobrach - Bugsy McRoach. The Rollers and McRoaches had been feuding for a long time, but this relationship was the straw that broke the slime’s back - sparking an all out war between the two clans.

The party had Globella take them back to her house, where they met Slimon. After some delays, they got the full story - and it became clear that, while they managed to convince Slimon to meet with his counterpart - Crawlerton McRoach - successful parlay was far but assured. Still, they made some progress - convincing Slimon to at least sit down and discuss how to deal with the swamp and resolve the generations-old feud.

Next, the party headed over to the McRoach nest, lead by Globella. Along the way, they learned a bit more about why things hadn’t worked out between the two factions - the Rollers were relatively recent entrants to the Bugeyed Swamps, and had been offended at the McRoaches unwillingness to share their territory or the filth they created and which slimes coveted as a source of sustenance. The McRoaches, meanwhile, resented the Rollers incursion into their territory, and how they cleaned up after the Gobrachs by eating the produced filth. The McRoaches, it turns out, want little in life except to make the world as dirty a place as possible.

In any case, they met with Crawlerton - who made his disdain for the Rollers likewise quite clear. He also threw in some weird comments about salt. Unperturbed, though - the Voyagers made their case, and successfully convinced Crawlerton to likewise meet the Rollers in neutral territory to divide up the swamp and make peace.

The party then moved on to talking to Bugsy to see if they could come up with a backup plan, in case negotiations broke down. The tunnels leading to Bugsy were a tight fit, but they managed to make it through (clip).

A knife - symbol of Nessa Cordin, the party chef

There, after a brief misunderstanding (clip) they began discussions with Bugsy. It turned out, he considered trying to fake his and Globella’s death - but the party warned him away from this particular literary reference. Instead, they decided that, if worst came to worst, they’d have Bugsy and Globella run away from the swamp - removing them from the toxic family situation.

That squared away, the Voyagers began preparations for the negotiations. They were long and difficult (and mostly off screen) but eventually the day of the meeting arrived. Things seemed to be going well enough at first - but then, the worst happened. With a droning in the distance, it became clear that the Gobrach’s had no interest in peaceful negotiation. Dozens upon dozens of Gobrachs began flying overhead - sprinkling the battlefield with salt meant to kill the slimes.

Though Crawlerton knew his life was forfeit - with Nessa taking his life as it became clear what Crawlerton had done - the party still had some more Gobrach’s to deal with, appearing out of the ground to prevent the escape of Slimon and Globella. Combat ensued - and while things looked iffy for a while, the Voyagers eventually managed to overcome the Gobrach assault.

We left off in the aftermath of the fight. The party managed to keep Slimon and Globella from getting coated in the hazardous substance, but dealing with the fallout of the Gobrach’s treachery would still prove a tall task indeed….