Ryuutama: A Journey's Tale | Ep 1 | Recap

We kicked off a new series Thursday called Ryuutama: A Journey’s Tale. If you want context, you can read the rules for the system and watch the trailer, which covers what the mini-campaign will be about, over on our blog post announcing it!

Coins, symbol of the merchant Jin Agen

Coins, symbol of the merchant Jin Agen

Assuming you’re caught up on that, though - our first episode focused on introductions and beginnings. We got to know our first 3 characters (our fourth player was out sick for the first episode - fortunately testing negative for The Big Bad Thing going round)

  • Brom, played by @larpstrong_carter from @triumphant_blunder - a down-to-earth lumberjack who’s leaving his wife and children behind to see the world

  • Soltheira Sett, played by Evan aka @tophatsamurai - the 16 year old daughter to two major families in Fís - going off on her journey to learn more about the world and fill in more pages from her tome of knowledge

  • Jin Agen, played by Alex aka @levinorlewin - whose family has watched over the Setts for generations, and who specifically has acted as Soltheira’s guardian from an early age. Jin takes pride in being able to turn one coin into many, although Brom harbors some suspicions about the efficacy that pastime

After introductions, swapping stories, and saying farewell to the town they had spent their lives in - the Springtime Voyagers set off into the morning sunrise - getting ready for whatever excitement the road had to throw at them.

An open book - symbol of Soltheira Sett

An open book - symbol of Soltheira Sett

Things started off well enough. While Jin showed little affinity for the road, progress was steady and relatively easy. They crossed their first river on the second day, and headed into The Lost Forest on the third. Along the way, Brom found a rare flower Soltheira had been looking for - a scene which they followed up with a long philosophical conversation about what they were going to do when they found the All Sage - Jin fell into a snake hole - causing a fair bit of harm - and Brom proved adept at gathering resources and rations on the go.

During their travels on the Third day, however, the Voyagers came across a man trapped under a log just off the road. Calling himself Jack, the party quickly got to helping him out from his predicament. After some chit chat, Jack told the party about some strange goings ons. While the local Nekogoblins were relatively harmless - just filching food and leavings from the nearby town - they’d recently grown much more aggressive, while also apparently seeming… off - ill or some such.

The party took note and set out once again - although it wasn’t long before they got to see this phenomenon first hand, with a small band of Nekogoblins ambushing them and preparing to attack! Fortunately, Jin managed to talk them out of their attack, and the managed to receive passage back to the Nekogoblin village.

Colored Axe.png

An axe - symbol of the lumberjack Brom

There, they got to know the Nekogoblins a bit more, and talked about what had been happening. Soon, it became clear that they had hard, round somethings under their skin - the apparent cause of their ailment - and that they believed Humans to be the cause, as they appeared mysteriously overnight. While the Nekogoblins had tried posting watch overnight to figure out the culprit, they were apparently too prone to taking cat naps while on the job

As a result, the Springtime Voyagers offered to stay up. We left off as Jin spotted the culprit - finding out that it was, in fact, their recent acquaintance Jack who seemed to be behind this predicament!