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Manifestations, Omens, Notes and More

We’re always looking for ways to help you all get involved with our stories and games.

In that spirit, we’re introducing some extra, meta-mechanics on top of the standard rule set for Ryuutama. In particular, Manifestations, Omens, and Notes

Give manifestations to players to give them the ability to create something in the world. This could be anything from a shop, to an NPC they share a history with, to a town they visited in the past, to a species of animal. In other words, it gives PCs temporary GM powers to make some impact on the world.


you can also give the GM light or dark omens. These are exactly what they sound like: in addition to some flavor text - maybe a player breaks a mirror, or spends a night in room 49 - the GM will look for something especially good or bad to throw in the way of the Springtime Travelers to either strongly help or hurt their chances of success - depending on whether the viewer gives a light or dark omen


The Springtime Voyagers carry with them notes from home containing questions for the All Sage - which you all can help us write! At the end of their journey, the players will each pick one note submitted by viewers, in addition to their own, to ask the All Sage (assuming they successfully complete their journey!)


In addition to giving Manifestations, Omens, and notes to the players - we’ll also be allowing viewers to do the following during the game

  1. Naming NPCs (a regular channel reward)

  2. Making/naming a business

  3. Naming a town

And More

We’ll let players access the above if they do any of the following

  1. Sharing our Ryuutama video on Instagram, our our two promo posts on Facebook or our original Blog Post on any platform (1x/viewer/stream)

  2. Being a subscriber (3x/viewer/stream)

  3. Giving through our patreon at the $1/month level or higher (1x/viewer, or 3x for $3/mo or higher)

  4. Tipping 150 bits through Twitch (up to 3x/viewer/stream)

We’ll also allow purchasing the above through channel points, earned by watching any of our shows on Twitch while signed in to your account.