Hello World

All of us, Waiting for the HNEW premiere

All of us, Waiting for the HNEW premiere

Hey all - Ian here.

We’re working hard on getting things spun up - there are stories to write, teasers to record, websites to make (cough), logos to finalize, broadcast layouts to create, and so on, so there’s lots of exciting stuff coming up!

There’s a lot between here and there even if there aren’t many boxes on the calendar, but we’re hoping to be ready to launch our first official show on December 11th - How Not to End the World!

Logo for HNEW, from Mike - MK Design

Logo for HNEW, from Mike - MK Design

That said, we don’t want to stop there. To give you an idea of what the few months after our launch will look like, here’s a few of the projects we have in progress:

  • An unnamed talk show focusing on HNEW and running tabletop games in general, launching Q1

  • An official campaign setting for the Sigil of Dusk universe, which will help players and GMs run games in our world, releasing Q2

  • A new livestream, Blob Ross, launching sometime after HNEW releases

  • Some one-off stories set before the start of HNEW, detailing how the characters came to know one another, releasing Q1

  • A youtube-excusive show focusing on tabletop pitfalls, premiering sometime in the first half of next year

And that’s just the stuff getting close enough to final to talk about!

Also, during the next few weeks, we’ll be doing a series on the world of the Sigil of Dusk, starting with an overview of the world and it’s history, followed by a profile of some of the continents and countries, and finally a brief overview of some of the gods worshiped by the populace. We’ve been cooking this campaign setting for months, so we’re looking forward to sharing the fruits of our labor with the broader world!

We’re really excited with all the new opportunities we have coming up, and we’re hoping you’ll stick around to see what we come up with - Check back here regularly to keep up to date on the latest! Or, if you’re forgetful (like me…) subscribe to our email list using the input box below, or join our Discord server so the news can come to you!