Character Study: Ymitri

Today’s entry for our character study series goes to Ymitri. A young man, and possessor of occult magic.


Ymitri finds himself being interviewed by you the viewer. He wasn’t too enthused when you came knocking on his door, but gave you the time of day to answer a few questions about himself. You, being an informed viewer asked him a few questions about his backstory for him to elaborate on. You noticed that he didn’t mention anything about his abilities, but you already know that he reserves that knowledge for a select few. Below is a transcription of Ymitri’s responses to you.

“I guess you checked out that other thing about me an’ have some questions, huh? I mean, well, I can answer a few, but… well what do you actually want to know about?”

“Sure. I can just, sorta go through it chronologically, I guess. But I still don’t get the purpose of this.”

“So yeah, Madame Zilstra’s. It’s actually a lot nicer on the inside than it is on the out. We kept the place presentable, ya’ know, cause it’s our home. Sure kids come in an’ out, but, well, me, Brandon, and a few others… that’s where we grew up…”

“Oh Brandon? He’s my guy! Well, I dunno what he’s up to these days, but me an’ him kinda did everything together ever since we were like 6 or 7. Kinda of a weird guy, talked to himself a lot, but we’re both weird so it worked out. We actually made a sorta gang together. It was called ‘The Runners.’ We’d get in all sorts of trouble with it, but nothing ever seemed to happen. It was really just me an’ Brandon an’ a few other kids at the home gon’ around taking things an’ bringin’ em’ back to the house.”

“Now that you mention it, yeah. A couple times a kid would go out, if they actually did get caught, there was like… one or two that never came back. Thing is, nobody said nothing ever ‘bout it an’ they were just gone… I dunno.”

“Anyway, so yeah, I mean, Satina came along when I was around 12 or 13 I think. Ummm… she an’ I accidentally made out once and it made Brandon all weird an’ stuff. That was like… when we were 16 or 17. An’ once you hit 18, you gotta leave the house so… Brandon hit 18, and it was like he just walked out of all of our lives…”

“… So Satina’s about to get out of the house soon, an’ I was trying to get her a spot near me here. No… we’re not like, a thing… just friends. An’ this place, well… it’s sturdy and not crowded. There’s two baths actually, and it’s only two people to a room. Not bad for cheap housing.”

“I work over at the docks in Wethook. Oh… a dockhand. Shipping and such. I just keep to myself best I can an’ leave right at the bell. The other guys there… I dunno… bunch of shitters.”

“Oh, I’m glad you asked… yeah even though I don’t live there, I still help out at Madame Zilstra’s an’ such, but the kids all ask me about stuff an’ I don’t know what to tell em’. I got some of em’ following me out here and asking stuff about how they can ‘get back at someone’ or they’ll just come up an’ try to take something out my pocket to impress me. An’ I dunno what to tell em’. It’s how I got by, but like, am I supposed to tell a kid to go steal wine an’ sell it to a beggar, or something? What if they get caught? That’d be on me, and yeah, I’d do that, but… I dunno, I wish they just actually had a role model instead of me. I’m kinda… just here… Not much else…”

“Anyway, umm… is this question thing over? There’s nothing else I really wanted to talk about or feel comfortable saying knowing you’re keeping record of this. So… I guess that’s it.”

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