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Character Study: Pyotr

Hey all,

I’m writing this as we just got done playing our premiere, and let me say - it was definitely a strong start! One of the big problems with DnD campaigns is that they tend to drag for the first few sessions, as none of the characters really know each other, the plot hasn’t really had time to spin things up to speed, and the world generally feels kinda mushy and undefined. So, at the risk of sounding a bit self-congratulatory, I’m pretty happy with our strong start and the visibly intrigue-soaked direction we’re all heading in. Check it out on our Youtube page Saturday when we post the replay!

But that’s not why we’re here. Instead, we’re here to get to know a bit more about Pyotr, Alex’s character. So, without further adieu

My name is Pyotr. I'm in my mid twenties. My apartment is in the northeast section of the Ruggine district, where many tenements are, and I live with my adoptive daughter, Sasha. I work as a bartender at the Boozy Ewer, and I get home every day after dark. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink.

When I get home, I spend some time playing with my daughter, no matter what. After tucking her in and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I sleep lightly until morning. I wake up before dawn everyday, alert and ready for the day. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up.

I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to give my daughter a good life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would jeopardize her well being. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

Still got you? Cool! Hope you enjoyed the peek behind the curtains of Yoshikage Kira erm…. Pyotr.

Interested in seeing more? Well, we’ve already mentioned our Youtube page - be sure to subscribe and click the little “bell” icon so you hear when we post stuff! Or, just as valid, you can follow us on the various social media sites! (Links handily provided below)

Anyway though, that’s it for now, see you next time for the final character study of Milo Adkins!