Character Study: Milo Adkins

Hey everyone - as all good things, this series too must come to an end. But at least we get to go out with a bang! This time, Milo Adkins, alchemist and medic:




Transcription from Vic Promace Secretary of the Physician’s Guild.

Let the record show that the hearing takes place on the Third Plow of the Harvest, 1265

“Welcome, Milo. I assume at this point you understand how this hearing will go?”

Ah, yes. I believe that I understand. Essentially, this hearing and the reports from the Master Physician I trained under; Doctor Faust, will determine whether or not I am accepted as a Master Physician of the guild.

“Yes, your understanding is right on. Let’s go ahead and get started.”

“Where are you from? What did your parents do?”

I hail from Valleta, before it was reclaimed by the waves. You could say that the sinking is what set me down this path in the first place. My mother was an herbalist, and in my childhood I studied the medical and homeopathic applications of various plant leaves, flowers, and roots. When the waters rose, many issues of sanitation caused disease to run amok among the people - I made this connection as a child, and it caused the spark of imagination to ignite in me - I saved any coin I could to buy my first medical journal. My time to study ran out quick, as conditions in the city only worsened and as our stores ran low, the looting began, and we fled.

“I hear you also study as an Alchemist, is this true? Do the volatile chemicals have an effect on your practice?”

Yes, I would consider myself an Alchemist, if but a fledgling. No chemical is solely volatile, for example, potassium is an essential part of our diet, yet when purified and combined with water it is heavily explosive. No, if anything my knowledge of Alchemy has made me more aware of possible unintended side effects of mixing cures, and has greatly assisted my ability to create treatments.

“And, what of your interaction with Dr. Glembin?”

I was hoping you would bring this up, my status as a student didn’t allow me to bring the matter before the board. I had previously met with a patient of his on the street, who spoke of the wonders Dr. Glembin produced, and his miracle cure-all medicine. As a student of the True Cure, I had to see this wonder for myself. I gave myself a laceration and made my way to the doctor -

“You gave yourself a laceration?”

… yes. May I continue?

“Yes, please go on.”

I gave myself a laceration, and made my way to the doctor. When there, he didn’t follow Guild Procedure, and instead gave me his “signature healing salve.” Imagine my surprise when the wound disappeared upon application, as if the skin was able to sew itself together. Or my disappointment when it appeared, again as if left alone a few hours later. I then took my time to examine the salve, and found it to be but a snake oil. I went back to confront him, and unfortunately it did not go well.

“You understand that such behaviour is unacceptable within the guild?”

Yes, I understand. I let my anger get the best of me, and I’ll continue to work on my control.

“Disputes within the guild cannot happen in the eye of the public. They must happen through the guild’s resources”

Yes, I will go through the proper channels in the future.

“As a member of the Physician’s Guild do you understand your responsibilities, and the benefit to you?”

Access to medicines and materials at a discounted rate, protection of my clinic space, and the collaboration of some of the greatest minds in medicine, all for the modest price of sharing the process for making new medicines, or understandings of plagues, and to alert the guild to necessary quarantines, and to uphold them.

“That is the gist of it. We’ll get back to you within the week.”

Yes, thank you.

  • End transcription



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