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Announcement: WLW and GMTT moving to Every Other Week

Hi all, Ian here

Writing quality content takes time, so - in order to ensure I can provide you with great content, keep up with HNEW, and continue working on the other several projects we have running in the background (all without throwing my own sanity or my day-job under the bus) I’m moving “World Lore Wednesdays” and “GM Tip Tuesdays” to alternating weeks, and taking another week off this week.


  • On Jan 21st: We’ll be releasing a GMTT on how and when to Collaborate with your players.

  • On Jan 29th: We’ll be releasing a WLW examining the first part of the Towan pantheon.

  • On Feb 4th: We’ll be back for another GMTT, this time on Planning techniques

And so on. I’m hoping this schedule allows for regular releases of content that still meet a high bar for quality and relevance, while still allowing me to give HNEW and our other projects the attention the need. With this move, I’ll be able to prepare a bit further in the same amount of time, so I can release posts more consistently.

Anyway, that’s all I have to say. See you tomorrow for the next episode of HNEW!