Season 2 Episode 1 - Detour

Hey all, welcome back after the break!

We’re putting our text recaps here, rather than our “news” blog. This will help keep things more organized, and make it easier to move forward and backward between different episodes.

I’ll also be creating a separate page for the glossary - partially to enhance context and partially to maintain consistency. I’ll provide links as we go along, but so far we haven’t made any callbacks to season 1 concepts, so we’ll leave it for future episodes.

Ymitri, recently reacquainted with his old drinking buddy Captain Guppy

Ymitri, recently reacquainted with his old drinking buddy Captain Guppy

We kicked off the episode with an establishing shot. The party had just left the country of Marròs after the events of last season, and began heading out for whatever lay in wait in the distant continent of Irretai.

Before long, though, Ymitri realized that - coincidentally - an old acquaintance healmed the ship! Captain Guppy, an old drinking buddy back when Ymitri spent his evenings at the Boozy Ewer - a tavern by his old job, formerly staffed by Pyotr - introduced herself one evening at meal time. She spent some time reminiscing with Ymitri, before goading him into sharing an old story about their time together in exchange for Captain’s Dining Room privileges for the rest of the voyage.

After that, the voyage continued for some time. Milo and Ymitri got together to collaborate on some Spell arrows, Ymitri and Rhea experimented with some new spells and some recently-acquired rope-tying skills, and Lysta and Ymitri experimented with some magic as well.

During the voyage, Rhea overheard some whispers from the captains room. Something about an unscheduled stop, Relics of Catfoot, and a shipwreck.

After some deliberation, the party realized they might be making an unscheduled stop near the Gluttonous Crossing - The boundary between the Elyrian Sea and Goodwind Ocean, notorious for swallowing ships whole and leaving no trace behind.

Around the same time, Milo, Lysta, and Pyotr came across a mysterious figure from Lysta’s home - Illysith Mollovass. Illysith had been stowing away on board for some time, and was discovered in the storage area. After some conversation, it became clear that Illysith was… well, special. Having a reputation for hiding in bushes back in his day, as well as demanding to be called Mollovass the Dark Whisper, Lysta had few fond memories of him. Likewise, Milo saw Illysith during his time as a doctor in the Alloren district of Aquilla. While the details remain under Doctor Patient confidentiality, they involved some sort of rash, likely worsened by Illysith’s unconventional style of travel.

Lysta, the party druid, who found her childhood acquaintance Illysith Mollovass

Lysta, the party druid, who found her childhood acquaintance Illysith Mollovass

Deciding to leave things be, they gave Illysith some food, helped clean him up a bit, and let him return to the Barrel-hiding life.

Days later, Captain Guppy notified the party they were making an unscheduled stop and dropped anchor in the Gulf Between Seas. This fooled Illysith into thinking the ship had made port, and he ran out on deck, loudly proclaiming his freedom for all to hear.

This ended… poorly, with the party forced to negotiate his allowance on board with the captain. In that same moment, Dolphin-riding Goblins began surfacing from the water and encircling the ship. Hasty negotiations were carried out, and the party agreed to help with the goblins and the treasure in part for Illysith’s continued passage aboard after this little Detour.

Fighting commenced, and the party fought hard. Milo inflicted grevious burns with his acid flasks, even as Rhea and Pyotr flung Ballista bolts at the enemy. Soon, though, the enemy captain blew his horn and called off the attack out of respect for the party’s strength (and definitely not at all because his side was losing…)

Some negotiations ensued, and the Goblins agreed to help the party find their way to the sunken treasure they sought. First, though - they insisted game of Kakkenshpiel, a traditional Goblin game involving pigs and bats, although further details vary from tribe to tribe. We left off as the party entered the water and mounted their dolphins, preparing for whatever weirdness was to come next…