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Season 2 Episode 4 - Beginnings

We started off the session with a preview of a Housing Generator Segphault’s been working on - generating 3 homes that were all… well… Interesting. It was a trip, I recommend watching the first 20 or 30 minutes of the VoD if you have the time. Here’s the house Rhea rolled, for instance:

The house came with a smoosh nosed dog ❤️🐶🥰

Pyotr, the rougish new homeowner

Anyway, once we got rolling, it was time to go house shopping! Pyotr went and saw the homes on the Bottom Bay market. While Pyotr tried to stick to the nicer housing stock, no home is perfect, and he was forced to pick between a house with an extremely weird front porch, and a house with a rat infestation after ruling out an otherwise-nice house with extreme structural issues.

After figuring out that Lysta could clear the rat problems by pest-forming into a cat and getting to work with some mousing, the deal was sealed and Pyotr became a proud first time home buyer!

Meanwhile, Rhea and Sasha spent some time on the town talking about cute boys and butts. It was… special. The end result was some smooth secret signals to inform each other when a cute boy was butt-staring that definitely wasn’t over the top and obvious, and was instead very classy and discrete. Yep.

Sasha, Pyotr’s adoptive daughter, who is apparently incapable of showing affection like a normal human being

Fast forward to later at the bar. The party was trying to keep the house on the DL from Sasha, since Pyotr wanted to surprise her with it. One thing lead to another, and they started talking about longer term plans. Specifically, how Sasha should move on from Mako and find herself a nice guy. Even more specifically, the nice bard playing to a crowd of drunks, who coincidentally happened to be Sasha’s age.

Sasha let her inner Tsundere fly while the party worked out how to help her make her move. Meanwhile, Lysta and Rhea went to the powder room to talk about Rellis, Ymitri’s lost sister - revealing that Rhea actually knew Ymitri’s sister long ago. She had been a Monk at Rhea’s childhood monistary, but disappeared mysteriously long ago.

Lysta, the druid with a long road ahead on her way to Rellinvas

The night wound down, and eventually it was time for Sasha to try and seal the deal. After convincing Pyotr that, no really, he shouldn’t tag along on any potential date, she went over to chat with the now-off-shift Bard. Things seemed to go well (despite Sasha shouting that she didn’t think he was cute for the second time that night) and they had a date on the docks by Bottom’s Lighthouse.

Days later, Lysta had finished taking care of the rat infestation with her cat manifestation, and it was time to do the big reveal. It’d be an understatement to say Sasha was beside herself, finding out she got a whole house instead of a dinky studio, and Pyotr, meanwhile, was surprised to find an entire surprise party setup by his friends!

The night progressed. BS was thrown, chatting was done, and the night slowly drew to a close. We ended the session with Lysta hitting the road (so… weirdly, technically still before the end of last session) and looked toward the upcoming period of peace and downtime as the rest of the party began to establish themselves in Bottom Bay.