Ordemists: Shadow-y dreamscape creatures who have deep ties to Ymitri’s history. They cannot enter the Towan plane of existence (yet) so they often work remotely, possessing people by slipping into the crevices of their consciousness and using them to further their ends.

They form complicated plots, for which they are willing to wait months or years to see to completion. They work in all situations to further The Cause

They have twisted relationships with cults following them - where it’s unclear whether the Cult uses Ordemists (by way of getting unique magical artifacts, access to power and tools to take out their competition, and shadowy influence over events that almost invariably works to benefit those consorting with the Ordemists) or the Ordemists use the Cultists (by way of possessing and controlling Cultists even against their will, making them act in ways that work toward unknown but inevitably nefarious ends). Likewise, they have difficult relationships with Towans with whom they associate - promising knowledge, power, family (as with Ymitri), or otherwise, but always at a steep price.

The Cause: An as-of-yet undefined end-goal that nonetheless unites all Ordemists. While it’s unclear what “The Cause” really is, there’s little doubt that bringing it to fruition would be no good for anyone on Unatowa.

Desmoden Lore

Kakkenshpiel: A game beloved by Goblins everywhere, with rules that shift dramatically from region to region. In all instances, however, a pig or some other livestock is involved, as is tackling, and at no fewer than four clubs.

Goblin Lore

Bottom Bay: The only port connecting to the Irretain Plateau, all goods coming in and out of the country make its way through this lonely port. While the city itself started as a small outpost - with only a small core of homes and official buildings protected from the horrors of the Ashen Steppes, the city has grown and expanded over time. Now, citizens of many different trades live and make their lives in Bottom Bay, elevating the city from just a small port into a modestly bustling city with it’s own life and culture.

Irretai: The north western continent on Unatowa. The people heree are dutiful and vigilent - with the creatures of the Ashen Steppes to their south, and the barbarians of The Outlands to their north ensuring that their homes and lives forever hang on a knife’s edge.

On top of that, Ur’Goth himself resides in the city of Ullator’s Keep - the capital city of Irretai. The Dragon Guard there keep a watchful eye over Unatowa’s last living god, and ensure the city remains safe.

Rellinvas: Forest village of the elves, located in the Shywood Forest in Irretai. The elves here live at one with nature, having spent lifetimes shaping the forest even as it shaped them. While the elves fiercely protect their borders from any potential trespasser, those they do let into their city receive a warm welcome - finding some of the most beautiful, scenic, peaceful accommodations anywhere in Unatowa.

The Wet Docks: Constructed early on during the city’s development, The Wet Docks considers itself separate from the city, even though it found itself inside the town’s borders after the second ring of walls were constructed. All sorts find their way into the brothel, from the swarthiest sailor to the highest brow businessman or woman.

Towns and Places

Billy Creel: A young bard who became romantically entangled with Sasha in Season 2, Episode 4.

Ethren: An old crush Lysta had harbored during her youth, Ethren came suddenly back into her life near the end of Season 1. He had been sent by the Hallowed Reynir to help with the situation in Aquilla, and eventually lead the counter ritual to defeat The Blood Mother, although not without some trouble along the way.

He and Lysta began a relationship together, and set off together back to their hometown in Episode 4 of Season 2.

Madam Creel: Madam of The Wet Docks. In season 2 episode 5, she gave Milo a job.

Mollovoss, The Dark Whisper: Lysta’s childhood friend, and a bit of a sad sack. In episodes 1-4 of season 2, the party discovered him stowing away in the cargo hold of their ship, and found themselves with a new burden to carry.

Sasha: Pyotr’s adoptive daughter, and party sassafrass. While she’s quick to insult and slow to praise, ultimately she feels a deep attachment to everyone in the party, even if she doesn’t fully understand the enormity of the problems they face.

Satina: Ymitri’s childhood friend, who had to depart from the party after it became clear she had been compromised by the Ordemists (see above) near the end of season 1. In her parting, she insisted that Ymitri was to break all communication with her, and even if she sent him anything, he wasn’t to read it.

Tulgan Rasque: Crime lord of Bottom Bay, little goes in or out of the city without his knowledge and approval. In Season 2 Episode 2 the party found out he, or someone sharing his name, had some relation to Rhea’s adoption to the Monestary (in addition to Rhea’s birth name).

In Season 2 Episode 5 & 6, Pyotr and Ymitri attempted to get in contact with Tulgan in order to arrange some crime dealings. In Episode 6, the party decided that Tulgan was likely Rhea’s father, based on physical similarities.


More as the game continues